Reduced Instruction Set Computing [RISC] is a processor design that is analogous to high performance and high energy efficiency. One of the forerunners in production and supply of RISC Embedded microprocessors is ARM Holdings. ARM Holdings’ catalogs of processors are characterized by strong performance and high energy efficiency; a market-decider when it comes to digital products. Delivering high performance at low costs for the current market of advanced digital applications is now a reality because of the advancements in Embedded product engineering using ARM processors. Expert ARM architects are constantly in research and development to further improve [on the already advanced] ARM architecture, that has now become a staple architecture for embedded product design and engineering. ARM Holdings is also the world’s leading semiconductor Intellectual Property [IP] supplier, and is at the core of development of digital electronic products.
According to current industry experts, an excess of two million ARM-based processors are being used in the production of various kinds of machinery and equipment. The ARM Community [of developers worldwide] develops top-notch processors for the benefit of product design companies and designers around the globe. There is an endless list of ARM developers [with rich experience and a high industry reputation] for Embedded Product engineering with ARM processors, at highly competitive pricing. Development of advanced ARM processors, implementation of DSP algorithms, exception and interrupt handling, cache technology and memory management are some of the tasks that ARM developers manage for companies.
Embitel is a member of the ARM Connected Community and Partner Network, which is a global network of companies aligned to provide complete solutions, from design to manufacture, for embedded application and product engineering for products based on the ARM architecture. Embitel’s partnership with ARM includes digital multi-channel solutions for E-Commerce and Embedded technology development.
Interesting post. And the giving info aboutEmbedded Application and Product Engineering using ARM Processors is very nice.
ReplyDeleteApp Development Company
What about the arndaleboard and openbrix? No mention about them?